Ep. 74: Hobby Collecting

Ep. 74: Hobby Collecting

One way we self-medicate as people with ADHD is to include fun and interesting things in our world. It’s a hobby collecting practice that helps us focus, makes life more enjoyable, and can make a big difference in helping us thrive in all areas of our lives. But then...
Ep. 71: ADHD Manipulation Matrix

Ep. 71: ADHD Manipulation Matrix

Let’s be real: ADHD manipulates us. And if you’re tired of being manipulated by your ADHD, then it’s payback time! In this week’s episode of the Kick Some ADHD podcast, Dana sets up the “ADHD Manipulation Matrix” — a framework you can use to turn the tables and start...
5 Easy ADHD Meditation Tricks

5 Easy ADHD Meditation Tricks

Last week, I talked about a no-cost, natural way to help you reduce the power ADHD can have over your life: meditation. (If you missed the first part, click here to read it.) Today we’re going to cover my favorite ADHD meditation tricks. Now, I’ve known the...
My Position on ADHD Medication

My Position on ADHD Medication

I figured I better explain my position on ADHD medication, since that’ll be the focus of ADD Success over the next week or so. These days, talking about stimulant medication such as Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall can be like throwing gas on a fire. My views on the...
Control ADHD Self-Talk

Control ADHD Self-Talk

Control ADHD Self-Talk… There’s an epidemic of name calling going on in the world of ADHD. “Knucklehead”, “Lump”, “Lazy Slug”… Yes, definitely an epidemic of name calling. Are fist-fights starting? Feuds? Am I...